CIS clients are usually among different international organisations like EUROCONTROL, EC and other government institutions on local and international level. CIS is official EUROCONTROL supplier from September 2008.
However Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSP) and Airlines are our clients as well.
We are working closly with Airports and various aviation entities like General Aviation organisations (AOPA) on regular basis.
Our experts and consultants participated in different IT, social and aviation projects as independent consultants. Some of their clients were:
EUROCONTROL – European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation;
International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO);
National Social Security Institute (NSSI);
Financial Supevision Agency (FSC);
National Revenue Anecy (NRA);
United States Agency for International Development (USAID);
United Nation Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK).
High Quality
CIS guarantees an exclusively high quality deliverables at disruptive price. We believe our products are the best proof of the high standard we are committed to.
Our team offers to you consultancy and experience covering an extensive range of services in the airport, airline and air traffic management sectors. Our knowledge, experience and value that have been accrued over the years will move your company forward.